Monday, November 19, 2007

A Summary

Not 100% better yet, but I thought I'd start a list...

On Lexapro:

* Recurrent neck stiffness
* Zero emotion
* Zero libido
* Sleeping too much
* Agoraphobia

Weaning from Lexapro:

* Profuse sweating
* Heart palpitations
* Intense headaches
* Dizziness and Nausea
* Insomnia
* Forgetfulness
* Becoming happier
* Becoming motivated
* Getting stuff done!

Recently Off Lexapro:

* Freezing cold
* Headaches
* Body Aches
* Brain sensitivity
* Maybe a little bit of libido? (woot!)
* Brain zaps
* Forgetfulness is worse

Good times!

About 1 month Off Lexapro:

* Almost normal.

Brain/eye/ear sensitivity is there, but only really bad after drinking alcohol or when I'm tired.
Still forgetful.
I've felt so bad for the past month that I haven't moved a muscle. I'm weak. I got really tired and shaky just cleaning one room the other day.

UPDATE 11/26: I'm feeling better!


rita said...

One of my many doctors put me on prednisone last week. I'm in the "weaning" process now. I have felt so GOOD for the last week and have actually been productive (in ways that I want to be productive, that is) and enjoyed doing stuff. But underneath I can tell that I'd be absolutely dead if the pred hadn't kicked in like that. I guess that's the neurontin. I'm still coughing so I should go to 100 mg twice a day, but I just know that I'll zone out and my eyes will start sqeaking like they did last week. I'm having another injection of Lucentis in my left eye tomorrow and I don't need no steenkin' sqeekin' on top of eye pain.

Tom thinks I should just wean myself off Efx totally and see what happens. That scares me to death. I'd probably drive him away. No, not really, he's too good to me, he wouldn't do that, but I'd be one miserable old bitch. And the thought of months of withdrawal and the crap that goes along with it, and the necessity to work for another 5.5 years and try to maintain my sanity and and and I'm afraid to try it.

I will try cutting back by half, though; I've done it by 75 mg before without too much trouble. At least, I don't remember any trouble.


rita said...

Where did you get the stat counter and is it hard to install? I've tried to before, but I can't understand a word it says.

Leetie said...

Go here:

Register and then follow the directions for adding the code to your blog. I think that's the hard part. I forget where I actually put the code -- somewhere in my blog template, maybe. There should be directions. Once you add the code to your blog, your stats will be viewable the next time you log back into statcounter. Your stats are stored there.

Christel said...

hi i am a dutch girl and tapper lexapro. im from 10 to 5 (in 6 weeks) and i feel allot of heart fluttering sometimes insomnia (thats the reason that i was taking it after miscariage)

would like to talk with people who experienced tappering

leave a comment pla


Leetie said...

Hello Christel. I hope you start to feel better soon. If you read my post, you will see that I experienced the same symptoms as you. I wrote this blog in order to share every single experience associated with Lexapro withdrawal. I hope it helps to see that your symptoms are not uncommon. In time they will pass. All the best to you.

Christel said...


Thanx i think i stick a couple of weeks on 5 mg because it feels like a rollercoaster now. emotional. i tapper on my ow *sick and tired of all the docters ive seen the last months and the internet provides a lot of information
Ive read your blog over and over again and ive ordered a book on tapper lexapro.
i will let you know how i m doing and wonder how you are doing now!

Greets Christel

Anonymous said...

Hi!!! is one of the most excellent innovative websites of its kind. I enjoy reading it every day. All the best.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I am not the only one experiencing these withdrawal symptoms. My memory has been horrible, I have been experiencing excruciating headaches, my irritability is ridiculous, and my pre Lexapro insomnia has returned. I am experiencing frequent uncontrollable crying as well as hopelessness and frustration. A lot of my frustration has been coming from my inability to express to others my feelings and my symptoms. My doctor had not informed me of any possible withdrawal symptoms and the head zaps really freaked me out. I had trouble describing this odd sensation and it is reassuring that many others have had the same thing.

I can't decide if it is worse being on or off of Lexapro. On it, I could sleep forever and was emotionless and libidoless but at least I wasn't manic and crazy! Ahh I hope this all passes.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to know we aren't alone, these symptoms are brutal.

Happy Days said...

Because Lexapro was making me ridiculously sleepy all the time, keeping me from living life, and feeling more depressed and withdrawn than before I started it, I decided to get off it. My AH HA moment was realizing that never in my life has my Xmas tree still been in my house 4 mos after Xmas!! I didn't care and that is def not me! I was on 10 mg and taking one every other day to wean myself starting 4-1-12. The Doc who prescribed them said since the dosage was so low I could just stop w/o problems. The first thing I noticed was that I wanted to do things again! My first weekend off them, I did something fun every day and really enjoyed it! I felt energized and not like I had to nap every 3 hours like before. I even washed my car--an activity I didn't even care about during Lexapro days. The last few nights I noticed a restlessness, like skin crawling, but not quite that. Would fall asleep easily but woke up feeling restless and unable to get comfortable. (by the third nite I took a Tylenol PM to make me sleep) Now I am experiencing the zap brain--feeling off balance when I move my eyes and head--almost like vertigo. Tinnitus has flaired up and sounds seem louder and "tinnier" if that makes sense. I started Lexapro due to anxiety. I am going to miss not worrying and ruminating at night and for a while, I really enjoyed being able to get into a deep sleep all nite without my usual endless ruminating and re-thinking my entire day over and over. Prior to Lexapro I used to have lines from songs stuck in my head. Crazy huh? Out the blue, lyrics from a song would repeat over n over in my mind. Drove me nuts! I really hope that doesn't return but I expect that it will. As far as libido goes, hmph--wasn't great before and became naught after Lexapro. Men--what is that? I noticed some sweats if I wake up during the nite to potty, but they don't wake me up like menopause hot flashes, so I can live that. So far that is where I am with side effects. Glad I came across this blog and can share my story with others who have or are now going through this. Thanks for letting me vent and share! S