Friday, May 28, 2010

Article: Get Off SSRI Drugs and Overcome Depression Naturally


Paxil Lawyers said...

I certainly agree that it's better to fight anxiety the natural way. Staying away fro SSRIs will free you from the possible side effects of these drugs.

Day in the Life of... said...

Do you still check your blog? I just started my withdrawal and its really hitting me hard. I need someone to talk to.

norma said...

Its crazy I'm a nurse and never researched withdraw just did what my doc said and took it for years. I need to be off starting new hormone therapy soon and dont want be on the lexapro too. Its crazy how bad i feel ar day 5. I just need it to end so i can get back to life. I have thought about melatonin for sleep but i need to wait til hormone therapy starts. I guess i will be ok,

Anonymous said...

Quitting this drug sucks big time. Its taken me two and a half months to wean off and I've finally been clean for two and a half weeks. My worst withdrawal symptom is feeling dizzy all the time. It is like having your brain in a pool of water. Its like I can't access its content. Anyway, I found this blog looking for info about how long will these symptoms last. Any takes. I'm very happy to be off but right it also sucks! Good luck to all and keep at it. This drug must be terrible on your brain to create such a dependency.

Anonymous said...

dizzy and fainting... these seem to be the main side effects of withdrawal. I would like to know if the person who wrote on October 21 is doing better now? How long would these dizzy stuff take to go away? Please any testimonials or solutions will help. Thanks.

Matina said...

Dear Anonymous 12/3-Did you quit cold turkey? If so these side effects will probably last longer than one who weaned slowly. You should get to a natural path and have some blood work done to make sure you do not have any hormonal imbalances going on that might cause these-such as thyroid imbalances, or even sugar related problems. Withdrawal from these meds can create a terrible imbalance in our system. Some of the symptoms of withdrawal may be permanent and non-repairable.
I am still weaning (2.80) and still playing balancing acts with my system. Good lucj and hang in there!

Anonymous said...

I have debilitating anxiety. cant go to the store etc. Ive been on lexapro for about a year. My insurance got cut and i cant afford it. I ran out and now have terrible withdrawal symptoms. I cant sleep. I cant eat. Very dizzy and extremely nauseous.I thought I was getting the flu til I looked it up online. Now Im scared. So what are my options? I can have anxiety and never be able to be around anyone OR I can start taking lexapro when my new insurance kicks in and hope that I never run out...?? Theres got to be an alternative.These withdrawals are driving me crazy. I cry at the drop of a hat and constantly feel sick. Is there anything that helps??

Greg said...

I can tell you after being on Lexapro for about 10 yrs and then getting off and getting healthy that depression is totally linked to gut health. Get plenty of probiotics, sunshine, exercise, fiber and you will be on the right track to feeling better.
I wrote an article about how I was able to quit in the hopes that it may help othes out there.