Wednesday, October 31, 2007

How do you spell Withdrawal?

Seems I've been doing it with a southern twang. Withdrawl. *sigh*

Head still buzzing. Aleve seems to provide some relief. Not completely, but it allows me to focus.

Monday, October 29, 2007


I took my last dose of Lexapro on October 24.

Since then, I've had some fairly uncomfortable sensations in my head: Sort of like my brain is oversensitive. Like being dizzy without the spinning... being lightheaded without fainting. It is worsened by eye movements. Sort of the way you feel at that instant that the lights come on unexpectedly in a dark room. But this doesn't just last that one instant. It's freaky. Sort of like a lit fuse... constantly fizzing but never making it to the bomb (thank goodness for that). I think that it is akin to the well-known "brain zaps" experienced by people who withdraw too fast. I experienced full-blown zaps the first time I tried to stop taking Lexapro, and they are horrible. Like your brain is getting tasered or something. They knock your socks off. I think that this is a milder version of zaps. Like one big, long, sustained, yet sort of mild zap. Seems that it happens to other people too. Especially with eye movements.

Have I mentioned how scary Lexapro is?


Saturday, October 27, 2007

No *snorks* @ insom!

It's back. Insomnia.

Before I got on the Lexapro, I would lie awake at night alot, unable to turn-off my brain. I'd make lists of things to do, go through conversations and situations in my head that were so inane, but seemed important at the time.

On the Lexapro, that all went away. In fact I started sleeping too much. It was a nice break from worrying about not sleeping, I guess.

Now I'm starting to wake up and think again. It's OK though. I figure if I need sleep, I'll sleep. I'm just going to try to not worry about it.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Still Plugging Along

It's been awhile. I guess I've gotten into a fairly regular routine and nothing seems so out of the ordinary to be worth posting. I've still been keeping track of symptoms, though, so here's what's been happening:

October 13

headaches are pretty much gone. We're back to the standard nuisance headaches. No more head trauma headaches.

I don't think I've felt the heart fluttering for awhile.

October 7


October 6


October 5

pulled muscle from laughing

I haven’t laughed for 4 years, so I’m pulling muscles when it happens now.

Forgetful – I left my lunch in the microwave at work. It’s still there, I’m sure.

I put my shirt on backwards.

October 4

Going down to 2.5 mg today!

I'm very reluctant to do this. I've been so good on 5 mg, I want to stay this way. I'm in a comfy zone. Now I'm getting scared. Oh well, better plug forward.

September 28

Good all week -- wider range of emotions definitely noticeable.

Nearly debilitating headache today. Heart fluttering continues

September 20 - 24

Feeling good!!! Generally, I think I've been in a better mood. Like, overall better than before I started all this. I'm getting to know what it feels like to FEEL things like "good" again. It feels good!

Occasional heart fluttering.

September 19

Tired and apathetic (oops!) ;)

September 17

A little sweaty and nauseous. Didn't eat dinner.

Feeling less apathy lately.