Monday, November 19, 2007

A Summary

Not 100% better yet, but I thought I'd start a list...

On Lexapro:

* Recurrent neck stiffness
* Zero emotion
* Zero libido
* Sleeping too much
* Agoraphobia

Weaning from Lexapro:

* Profuse sweating
* Heart palpitations
* Intense headaches
* Dizziness and Nausea
* Insomnia
* Forgetfulness
* Becoming happier
* Becoming motivated
* Getting stuff done!

Recently Off Lexapro:

* Freezing cold
* Headaches
* Body Aches
* Brain sensitivity
* Maybe a little bit of libido? (woot!)
* Brain zaps
* Forgetfulness is worse

Good times!

About 1 month Off Lexapro:

* Almost normal.

Brain/eye/ear sensitivity is there, but only really bad after drinking alcohol or when I'm tired.
Still forgetful.
I've felt so bad for the past month that I haven't moved a muscle. I'm weak. I got really tired and shaky just cleaning one room the other day.

UPDATE 11/26: I'm feeling better!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I know you're out there...

My stat counter shows me the Google searches that bring you here:

"lexapro withdrawal and stiff neck"
"lexapro withdrawal fever"
"how to withdraw from lexapro"
"lexapro head fuzzy"
"lexapro withdrawal headache relief"
"hypothyroid and heart fluttering"
"lexapro withdrawal symptoms"

It's all the same stuff I Googled. Scary stuff, isn't it?
Stick around! Leave a comment! Tell me your story!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

And still it goes on

Bad headache today and my head is still really sensitive.

The freezing cold feeling is less prominent. It's manageable anyway.

The doctor's office just called and told me that my blood tests came out COMPLETELY normal. CBC shows no sign of infection and thyroid tests are not even close to questionable. Interesting. I'm glad I'm not sick, but in a way I was kind of hoping for a physiological explanation for the withdrawal symptoms that I've been feeling. The doc's office had no recommendations for relief. I guess my brain just has to fight through this chemical change.

How long has this been going on now? Sheesh. As I was weaning, the withdrawal symptoms would last about 3-4 days then go away. I figured that dropping the last 2.5 mgs wouldn't be such a big deal. NOT! This tells me that the smallest dose of Lexapro can make a significant chemical change in your brain.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


The doctor didn't see any signs of infection. My temperature was 97 degrees.

They drew blood for thyroid stuff. This had better not be a long-term situation.

Of course, as far as the doctor is concerned, a thyroid problem is going to be an "unfortunate coincidence," and not related to the lexapro. Uh huh. Even though it started the day after my last dose of the stuff. A$$holes.

Wow, does this ever suck.

Last night I was trying to think of a way to describe the way I was feeling and it finally hit me. I feel like I have a raging fever. My eyes and ears are really sensitive, my head has the fuzzy buzzy feeling, it feels strange to move my eyes, my neck is stiff and sore, and I can't get warm to save my life. I convinced myself last night that instead of going through withdrawal symptoms, I might actually be fighting off an infection. Yet, I don't have a fever. Not at the moment anyway. If anything, my temperature is low. It was 97 degrees last night, but I was using an old digital thermometer that I don't trust. Right now I'm at 98.2 on the "real" thermometer, after drinking coffee.

I just read that lexapro withdrawal can cause hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism shows itself as hypersensitivity to cold and neck stiffness (among other things). I think it might be worth going to the doctor today.